Local language exchange at pen4pals.com

Good day, all the people!

We are glad to inform you about adding new functional for local language exchange in your city. Practice your second language by meeting up with native speakers living in your area!

To participate you must log in to pen4pals.com and fill out field "City for locale meeting" in your profile (your city will see ONLY pen4pals' members).

After that you may click at menu entry "LOCAL" and after 1 hour your location will appear (reload page, please) at our local language exchange map where you can choose (clicking to marker) your language exchange partner in your place.


More: https://hghltd.yandex.net/yandbtm?fmode=inject&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpen4pals.com%2Fen%2Flocal-language-exchange-pen4palscom&tld=ru&lang=en&la=1518023040&tm=1518582966&text=Local%20language%20exchange%20at%20pen4pals.com&l10n=ru&mime=html&sign=b4c64df99ed9fc54937a038b7e22d031&keyno=0