I have compiled a list of some of the best Russian textbooks for Intermediate learners of Russian language. If your level A1-A2, welcome to our huge list of textbooks for learning Russian from scratch.
Headers clickable:
1. A Comprehensive Russian Grammar
- a better reference grammar, very impressive, great book;
- contains all the fundamental points of Russian grammar from beginner to intermediate level;
- beat every other learning system hands down for developing an understanding of the basic mechanics of the Russian language;
- a great reference for translations and basic to very advanced grammar at a glance;
- A go-to reference for more detailed or technical questions about Russian grammar;
- each example in Russian has a full English translation;
- every part of speech gets its own chapter that explains its usage in detail;
- a must have for learning Russian grammar.
2. Russian Motion Verbs for Intermediate Students
- a comprehensive and not-overly-complicated explanation of how Russian verbs work grammatically with coherent examples;
- wonderful illustration that make comprehending the complicated (in comparison with English) Russian verb system accessible;
- easy worksheets;
- especially useful when combined with "501 Russian Verbs: Fully Conjugated in All the Tenses Alphabetically Arranged (501 Verbs Series)" by Thomas R., Jr. Beyer;
- an immense help and provides a very strong base for learning the logic of Russian verbs of motion;
- clear and thorough explanation of the puzzle of Russian verbs of motion;
- a truly great book.
3. Modern Russian Grammar: A Practical Guide (Modern Grammars)
- a fantastic Russian grammar book;
- The best book in English I've seen on this subject;
- It's even better than Terrence Wade's "A Comprehensive Russian Grammar";
- one of the authors is Russian. Russian grammars written solely by English native speakers always have problems, even if they are supposedly proofed by Russian native speakers; it seems the Russians that participate in the editorial process never carefully proof the texts.
Modern Russian Grammar Workbook (Modern Grammar Workbooks)
4. Animation for Russian Conversation
Animation for Russian Conversation draws on the best known Russian works of animation --Cheburashka, Karlson, the Hedgehog, and Vinni Pukh.
"The book is very creative and fills a substantial void in our profession. The manuscript . . . constitutes creative and important work. It has many pedagogical features that represent the latest thinking on foreign language teaching."
—Benjamin Rifkin, Temple University
5. V Puti Value Pack (includes Reference Grammar for V Puti, Student Activities Manual and Oxford New Russian Dictionary)
This package has the very useful combination:
- the textbook (lots of new words and phrases before every chapter),
- the workbook,
- a grammar guide (contains all six cases (nominative, prepositional, accusative, genitive, dative, and instrumental), with all the endings for nouns and adjectives),
- a dictionary.
6. Panorama: Intermediate Russian Language and Culture, Student Bundle: Book + Electronic Workbook Access Card Bilingual
- an excellent balance of Russian concepts mixed with English explanations of various principles of the Russian language;
- focusing on a lot of topics: city life, public transportation, religion, social media;
- interactive online homework to test your knowledge in quia.com (very useful and relate back to the text);
- includes both the student textbook and access to the Electronic Workbook;
- includes comprehensive in-class vocabulary and grammar exercises and discussion topics as well as reading texts (for work in class and at home), summative oral and written exercises, and compelling color photos.
7. Intermediate Russian: A Grammar and Workbook (Grammar Workbooks)
- an excellent guide to the Intermediate Russian;
- well-considered structure of the exercises and the revision of difficult concepts;
- an invaluable handbook;
- a lot of useful information for the intermediate student of Russian;
- plenty of exercises and an answer key;
- promises to teach you intermediate grammatical principles of Russian and it does that.
8. Russian Through Art: For Intermediate to Advanced Students
- culturally immersive language learning via Russian museums, collections, painting, architecture, music, ballet, opera, and theater;
- accessible to students with different skill levels and interests (modular design);
- a 5-11 minute lecture by Elena Skudskaia of the Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg with clear articulation and at a reasonable pace with transcripts of her talks (available on the website);
- with authentic video clips (no transcripts), denser reading passages, and oral and written exercises;
- plenty of suggestions for presentational speaking, with Ms. Skudskaia’s lectures providing models of speech organization (opening and closing statements) as well as practice with dates and numbers.