Tomorrow is an International Woman’s Day. It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. In ex-USSR countries it lost its political meaning and is widely celebrated as a day of spring, love, warmth and all women. During this day all men remind their women how they love them and thank women for who they are. Mothers, sisters, daughters, friends, lovers or wives are given flowers and presents and this day was made as a government holiday so nobody works.
In this article I will help you to make compliments in Russian so you can always tell some warm words to your sweetheart.
Let’s start with nicknames for girls and women
Nicknames for girls and women
Sunshine – СОлнышко
Baby – МалЫшка
Sweetie – СлАдкая
Kitten - КотЁнок
Darling – ДорогАя, ЛюбИмая
Sweetheart - МИлая
Cutie - КрасАвица
You look … - Ты выглядишь…
To tell her how she looks use phrase:
You look great! - Ты хорошО вЫглядишь!
“Great” can be changed with:
Good - ХорошО
Beautiful - КрасИво
Superb, excellent – ОтлИчно, ПревосхОдно
Wonderful – ЗамечАтельно, ЧудЕсно
Amazingly - ИзумИтельно
Nice, Very well - ПрекрАсно
Splendid - ВеликолЕпно
Cool - КлАссно
Use word “так” (“so” in English) to emphasize the adjective you are using: Ты так хорошО вЫглядишь!
You are the most… -Ты самая…
Tell her that she is the best of the best
You are the most… - Ты сАмая …
Beautiful - КрасИвая
Charming - ОбаЯтельная
Remarkable - ЗамечАтельная
Kind - ДОбрая
Caring - ЗабОтливая
Loving - НЕжная
Smart - Умная
Amazing - ИзумИтельный
Good - ХорОшая
Wonderful – ПрекрАсная, чудЕсная
Splendid - ВеликолЕпная
You have… - У тебя…
Tell her that she has something special
You have… - У тебЯ…
Nice voice - прекрАсный гОлос.
Nice dress - красИвое плАтье
Fine sense of humor - хорОшее чУвство Юмора
Charming smile - очаровАтельная улЫбка
Beautiful eyes - красИвые глазА!
Great figure - великолЕпная фигУра
Pretty face – красИвое лИцо
Beautiful hair - красИвые вОлосы
And never forget to remind her…
You are better than anyone else in the world! – Ты лУчше всех на свЕте!
You are special! – Ты осОбенная!
I"m very attracted to you. - Ты мЕня Очень привлекАешь!
A smile becomes you! - ТебЕ идЁт улЫбка!
Compliment generator Pick a word from each column!
Малыш |
Ты |
Так |
Круто |
Выглядишь |
Снова |
Пупсик |
Очень |
Потрясно |
Пахнешь |
Сегодня |
Зайка |
Офигенски |
Улетно |
Целуешься |
Всегда |
Дорогая |
Просто |
Шикарно |
Готовишь |
Опять |
Любимая |
Настолько |
Здорово |
Печешь |
There are thousands of ways to tell Russian or Ukrainian women that they are special so always keep looking for a new way to tell her that she is the best.