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10 Tips of Language Learning

10 Tips of Language Learning

Many people are afraid of learning foreign languages as they think that this mission is impossible.

As a person who speaks fluently Russian, Ukrainian and English and learnt French, German, Italian and Turkish I can say that learning foreign language can be a real fun.

It doesn't matter what language you are learning now if you follow simple rules.  Let's talk about them.


Rule 1

You should do it every day. It's much more better to study language 20 minutes a day then to do it once a week but for a whole day. Frequency matters.


Social Networking Groups for Learning Russian with Russians

Social Networking Groups for Learning Russian with Russians

You may incorporate foreign language into your everyday life! How? I know you use social media in your everyday life. Many grammar rules and lists of memorized words you found so boring in a classroom or textbook become a fun challenge to chatting with friends or reading up on your best topics.

Are you Twitter user? Practice by tweeting in the foreign language. At 140 characters, you don't have to spend a lot of time crafting an essay but you're still applying the vocabulary and basic rules of grammar.

Are you invited to visit in Russia? How don`t find yourself in a tight corner!?

Are you invited to visit in Russia? How don`t find yourself in a tight corner!?


Russian people are very simple, kind, open-minded and friendly. We love to receive visitors and themselves go to visit. Hospitality is a national trait; it is a kind of competition, whose home is the best, who is the most skillful hostess, etc. In many houses, the kitchen is the most comfortable place, where family and friends gather often.


Do not be surprised if little-known Russian people will invite you to visit. They do it with pleasure and joy. I want to share with you some tips that will allow you to feel comfortable visiting.

Why are Russian women so desired?

Why are Russian women so desired?

Nature gave men and women different abilities and functions. Our main task is to find confidence and develop what inherent nature. For centuries, women supported the family home, creating comfort, took care of the family, they have children, carrying the beauty, love and harmony in the world. In the modern world the role of men and women are mixed, but the real man is always looking for a real woman.

Grammatical nuances of Russian language

Grammatical nuances of Russian language

When I start any new business, I always want to know what surprises and difficulties are waiting for me to come. Russian language is complicated and beautiful at the same time. I want to tell you about the general subtleties and nuances with which you have face-to-face.


Order of words in a sentence

There is no clear order of words in a sentence in Russian. If you want to ask question, the order of words in a sentence does not change, but the tone, which you speak with, changes. Also Russian can significantly change the meaning of the sentence with highlighting the different intonation of speech. In a declarative sentence the voice falls at the end of sentences. In a question voice rises at the end of sentences.



10 reasons why it is necessary to learn Russian language.

10 reasons why it is necessary to learn Russian language.

In the study of any foreign language plays The motivation plays a major role in the study of any foreign language. If you have a goal, it is easier to find time and easier to overcome the difficulties. Why do we need to learn foreign languages? And why is it worth studying Russian language? I want to share with you the top 10 reasons and motivate you to learn and love our magical Russian.

1. The territory of Russia is 17 000 000 square kilometers. It is the largest country in area in the world. Russia's population is about 150 million people, and they all speak Russian. Russian language is also used by citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Latvia and so on. The total number of people who speaks Russian exceeds 250 million.

Russian phonetical alphabet

Russian phonetical alphabet

А - Анна, Антон			Р - Роман, радио
Б - Борис 			С - Сергей
В - Василий 			Т - Тамара, Татьяна
Г - Галина 			У - Ульяна
Д - Дмитрий 			Ф - Фёдор
Е - Елена 			Х - Харитон
Ж - жук, Женя 			Ц - центр, цапля
З - Зинаида 			Ч - человек
И - Иван			Ш - Шура
Й - Иван краткий		Щ - щука
К - киловатт, Константин	Ъ - знак (твёрдый знак)
Л - Леонид 			Ы - игрек
М - Михаил, Мария		Ь - знак (мягкий знак)
Н - Николай 			Э - Эдуард
О - Ольга 			Ю - Юрий
П - Павел 			Я - Яков



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