describing clothes

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describing clothes

I am an absolute beginner. With the few words I have already learnt I would like to say this:

This is a short, blue dress, with a bit of red (in it).

I am not sure if it is grammatically correct - use of the case.

Ето короткое, синее платье, с чуть-чуть красным.

 Please give me the easiest answers possible.

Thanks a lot.

describing clothes

Hello, Sabine. You wrote the sentence practically right.
You should change a few things only: "Это короткое сине - красное платье" or "Это короткое синее платье с красным".
I would write it this way.

describing clothes

Thanks a lot, Anton!
Is then my sentence correct, but does not sound that Russian, do I understand correctly?


Hi. In Russian it sounds like
Это короткое синее платье ,с красными вкраплениями
Это короткое синее платье , чуточку ( чуть-чуть) красного цвета.
it sounds more natural


thx a lot

Just a small amendment

Hello, Sabine!
Это короткое, синее платье, с немного краснЫМ (в нём).

This is the shortest that can be understood by Russian speakers without any problems.
And closer to the literal translation.
It is easier for first master the language.