Ive seen Мажор and really enjoyed it. (it was called Silver Spoon in engligh).
Also, on netflix there are a few russian shows that I enjoyed:
Sparta, Trotsky, Fartsa, Locust
In 2017, they made an 8-part series of Anna Karenina from Vronsky's perspective. I really enjoyed it. It definitely makes sense to turn the great novel into a TV series instead of a movie, as has usually been done.
“Вечерний Ургант”- “Evening Urgant”, “Шерлок Холмс”-“Sherlock Holmes”, “Кухня”- “Kitchen” or “The Kitchen”, “Интерны”- “Interns”, “Винни-Пух”- “Winnie the Pooh”, “Один в один!”- “Odin v Odin", "Silver Spoon" -Мажор", "The Day After" -Выжить После", "bloodhound"- "ищейка". Простите, если ошиблась :)
Домашний арест, Как я стал русским, Мажор, Ивановы - Ивановы.
Ive seen Мажор and really enjoyed it. (it was called Silver Spoon in engligh).
Also, on netflix there are a few russian shows that I enjoyed:
Sparta, Trotsky, Fartsa, Locust
All very dark and complex shows
Смотря что хотите смотреть и какой темой интересуетесь, есть исторические, есть комедийные.
Хочу выучить английский. Расскажу о русской культуре.
Comedy club is good russian show
In 2017, they made an 8-part series of Anna Karenina from Vronsky's perspective. I really enjoyed it. It definitely makes sense to turn the great novel into a TV series instead of a movie, as has usually been done.
“Вечерний Ургант”- “Evening Urgant”, “Шерлок Холмс”-“Sherlock Holmes”, “Кухня”- “Kitchen” or “The Kitchen”, “Интерны”- “Interns”, “Винни-Пух”- “Winnie the Pooh”, “Один в один!”- “Odin v Odin", "Silver Spoon" -Мажор", "The Day After" -Выжить После", "bloodhound"- "ищейка". Простите, если ошиблась :)
Хотелось бы посмотреть сериал "Заключение", но увы пока не могу найти в доступе(((
If you want to see a real Russian life you can watch Sergey Orlov on YouTube canel "Видеожурнал СУП". Here you could see Russia, beautiful and sad.
Какие русские фильмы рекомендуете? Хочу смотреть боевик